Lana Farson, M.S., L.Ac., Licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist

Bitter Melon

It’s an odd thing to see this cucumber-like vegetable with bumpy, grooved skin.  Oh, but the healthBitter melon #2 benefits!  Bitter melon is also called bitter gourd or bitter cucumber.  It stimulates digestion, reduces inflammation, lowers blood sugar and has lots of vitamins & minerals (namely vitamin A, B, C and calcium, phosphorus and iron).  It is also used to fight cancer, HIV and infectious diseases.

Young melons are less bitter.  To reduce the bitterness, the sliced melon can be salted and allowed to stand for about an hour before cooking.  Then rinse and dry it, before discarding the central spongy portion containing the seeds.  Alternatively you can skip the salting and instead simmer slices or cubes in salty water before adding to soups.

One Comment

  1. Myra B says:

    Is this an herb we learn in class? I would like to share my mother’s recipe that calls for bitter melon.

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